Alimentary: Rectal Exam
- Setting up
- External inspection
- External inspection: straining
- Internal palpation
- Stool examination
- Describe procedure to pt.
- Pt. in Sim position: on table, lying on L side, knees up towards chest,
facing away from Dr.
- Gloves on.
- Piles.
- Skin tags (normal, Crohn's, hemorhoids).
- Rectal prolapse.
- Anal fissure.
- Fistula.
- Anal warts.
- Carcinoma.
- Signs of incontinence, diarrhea.
- Ask pt. to strain.
- Rectal prolapse upon straining.
- Hemorrhoid prolapse.
- Incontinence.
- Ask if straining is painful.
- Lubricate index finger.
- Insert finger slowly, assessing external sphincter tone as enter.
- Male: palpate prostate [anterior of rectum]:
• Hard nodule (prostate cancer).
• Tender (prostatitis).
- Female: palpate cervix [anterior of rectum]:
• Mass in pouch of Douglas.
- Rotate finger, palpating along left, posterior, right walls.
- Withdraw finger.
- Wipe lubricant off pt.
- Ask if was significant pain during examination.
- Inspect withdrawn fingertip for:
• Blood, melena.
• Stool color.
• Pus.
• Mucous.
- If indicated, do a fecal occult blood test: blue result means blood.