Ref: Vital Signs
- Temperature
- Pulse
- Respiratory rate
- Blood pressure
- Types:
• Axillary: worst
• Oral
• Aural
• Rectal: best
- Timing:
• Continued
• Intermittent
• Remittent
• Relapsing
- Nomenlature:.
• Hyperpyrexia: >41.6°C
• Hypothermia: <35°C
- Shake hands: Dr's L to pt's L.
- During handshake grip Dr's R hand takes pulse.
- Measure for 15 seconds, then multiple by 4 to get rate/min.
- Assess rhythm, character, delays.
- See Pulse Reference.
- Don't announce measuring it, since under pt's control.
- Adult
normal: 14-20/min.
- Pt's anticubital fossa level with heart, arm slightly bent.
- Proper-sized cuff over brachial a. 2cm above anticubital fold.
- Inflate cuff until pulse disappears to tell systolic
• If HTN, then need to
palpate radial as inflate.
- Stethoscope over brachial a., inflate cuff 30mmHg more.
- Release pressure, when hear pulse, tells diastolic.