Ref: Anemias
- Microcytics
- Macrocytics
- Normocytics
- MICS are TICS:
- Thalassemia
- Iron deficiency
- Chronic dz
- Sideroblastic anemia (can be 2° to lead)
- MACdonald's has FAB FOOD and DRINK:
- Folate deficiency
- Alcohol abuse [since concurrent thiamine deficiency]
- B12 [thiamine] deficiency
- All MACrocytics are due to a NUTRITIONAL deficiency or ALCOHOL.
- MCV>100 is macrocytic.
- Patient profile rule of thumb:
• Old/alcoholic: B12 deficiency.
• Young/pregnant: folate defiency.
- DDx folate from B12 deficiency: B12 deficiency has the neurological signs.
- Acute blood loss
- Bone marrow failure
- Chronic dz
- Destruction: hemolytics, which are SHEEP TIT:
• Sickle cell
• Hereditary spherocytosis
• Enzyme deficiencies: G6P, pyruvate kinase
• Erythroblastosis fetalis
• Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
• Trauma to RBCs
• Immunohemolytics: warm Ab, cold Ag
• Thalassemias