Ref: Deep Tendon Reflexes
- General considerations
- Upper limb: supinator,
biceps, triceps, fingers
- Lower limb: knees, ankles, plantar
- Increasing a reflex
- Always compare one side to the other.
- Let hammer fall by gravity in most cases.
- Don't keep hammering a pt, if can't elicit it.
- Pt's elbow at 90°, relaxed
- Hand exactly pronated [thumb exactly in the arc of flexion] and resting on pelvis.
- Hammer falls on distal end of radius.
- Pt's elbow still at 90°, relaxed.
- Dr's finger over biceps tendon.
- Hammer falls on Dr's finger.
- Pt's arm crossed over, onto chest.
- Hammer held vertically, with mallet at bottom, swings into triceps tendon.
- Pt's arm crossed over, onto chest.
- Hammer held with Dr's hand over hip, and mallet at elbow, swings into triceps tendon.
- Pt's hand palm up, fingers very slightly flexed.
- Dr's finger pads overlie pt's finger pads.
- Hammer taps Dr's fingers.
- Dr lifts both knees with 1 arm, flexing legs slightly.
- Hammer falls on patellar tendon.
- Pt crosses legs.
- Reflex holds hammer with mallet at bottom, and lets it swing into patellar tendon.
3 options, all need ankle and knee joints both at 90° angle. The first 2 options also
make hip abducted and externally rotated, which is good.
Supine, heel on shin method:
- Pt's lateral side of heel lies overtop opposite shin. Tell pt: "Place your heel on
your opposite shin".
- Since Dr standing on R side of pt, Dr places hammer in L hand. Dr. grasps end of foot
with R hand to maintain the foot angle.
- Swing to tap Achilles tendon.
Supine, heel resting on bed method:
- Pt's R angle and knee joint are at 90°, with leg resting on bed.
- From R side of bed, Dr grabs R foot:
- Index finger over the tibialis anterior tendon, to ensure that foot is relaxed enough.
- Thumb wrapped underneath to feel for jerk.
- Swing to tap Achilles tendon.
- Move to end of bed [ask examiner first], and repeat above for L leg.
Pt kneeling on bed method:
- Pt kneels on bed, feet dangle over edge of bed, making ankle/knee 90°.
- Grasp end of foot to stabilize.
- Patellar hammer with mallet at bottom, swings to tap Achilles tendon.
- Tell pt. what about to do.
- Use key to stroke from heel, up lateral sole, then medially across to ball of foot.
- See if big toe goes up (UMNL) instead of its normal down.
- Alternatively: try with a fingernail first, before the key, so less pain to pt.
- See UMNL vs LMNL Reference.
If can't elicit a reflex, can increase its visibility via any of 3 methods.
- Clenching teeth.
- Jendrassik's maneuver:
• Pt clasps hands together tightly.
• Pt. releases hands just before tap hammer.
- Gripping an object.
Obviously, teeth clenching is the only appropriate one while testing upper limbs.