Ref: Gynecological Symptoms
- Ammenorrhea: primary, secondary
- Discharge
- Dysmennorhea
- Infertility
- Mennorhagia/oligomennorhea
- Pelvic pain
- Pelvic mass
- Prolapse
- Urinary: incontinence, other problems
- Stature (Turners, Kleinfelter's)
- Puberty development (pituitary)
- Monthly abdominal pain, dysuria (imperforate hymen)
- Drugs (drugs)
- LMP, breast tingling, abdominal swelling, morning sickness (pregnant)
- Recently stopped taking OCP (some months to recover)
- Weight, hirsuitism, male pattern baldness, voice deepening (PCOS)
- Stress, recent weight loss (decresed GnRH release)
- Recent hemorrage-complicated pregnancy (Sheehan's)
- Recent D&C (Asherman's)
- Galactorrhea, visual disturbance, headaches (hyperprolactinemia, pituitary
microadenoma, pituitary macroadenoma)
- Itchiness
- Blood stained (carcinoma)
- Onset, duration
- Amount: pad/tampon required
- Relation to menses
- Character: constant, dull (congestive) vs. bouts (spasmodic)
- Alleviating: previous Tx tried
- Timing: relation to periods
- Exacerbating: sex
- Severity: increasing vs. decreasing, lost work, interference with life
- Depression, headaches, irritability (regular PMS)
- Primary [no prior pregnancy] vs. secondary [prior pregnancy]
- Health of partner (prior kids, age, genital operations)
- Coitus: frequency, difficulties
- Hx of gynecological dz: STDs, salpingitis
- Hx of systemic dz: TB, hypothyroidism
- Hx of abdominal operations: D&C, appendicitis, others (adhesions)
- Menses: cycle length, duration, regular vs. irregular
- Heaviness: number of pads per period, changing in night, using double protection
[two pads or pad+tampon at once], iron supplements
- Clots, flooding
- Intramenstrual bleeding, poistcoital bleeding
- Pain
- Influence on lifestyle
- Prior Hx, and effectiveness of any OCP, D&C
- Site, onset, character, radiation, timing, severity (during sleep and work)
- Alleviating, exacerbating factors (menses, posture, coitus [deep/supercial], defecation,
time of day)
- Pregancy
- Rapid size increase (malignant ovarian)
- Painless (pregnancy, most benign) vs. painful (most malignants)
- Weight loss (malignancy)
- Onset, duration
- Alleviating: lying down (any prolapse)
- Exacerbating: prolonged standing (any prolapse)
- Severity: discomfort, interruption to life
- Defecation difficultly (rectocele)
- Urinary incontinence
- Wet when cough, sneeze, laugh, walk(stress incontinence)
- Chronic cough (stress incontinence)
- Constipation (stress incontinence)
- Wet before reaching toilet (urgency incontinence)
- Increased frequency (urgency incontinence)
- Wet at night (enuresis, urinary fistula)
- Colour change
- Blood in urine
- Frequency, amount changes
- Pain, burning sensation
- Feeling of incomplete emptying
- Hesitancy, nocturia, dribbling