Ref: Apgar Score
- Color
- Heart rate
- Reflex irritability
- Muscle tone
- Respiratory effort
- Score 0-2 in each category.
- Take scores at 1min post-birth and 5min post-birth.
- Don't waste time doing scoring, if baby is in difficulty.
- Perfect score is 10.
- 0: all blue
- 1: trunk pink, limbs blue
- 2: all pink
- 0: 0 beats/min
- 1: <100 beats/min
- 2: >100 beats/min
- 0: None
- 1: Grimace
- 2: Grimace and cough
- 0: Limp, no tone
- 1: Some limb flexion
- 2: Active movement
- 0: None
- 1: Slow, irregular
- 2: Strong cry, regular