Rheumatoid: Hand Exam
- Environment, general appearance
- Nails
- Fingers
- Dorsum, wrist
- Palm, forearm
- Wrist dorsum: palpate, move
- Fingers: palpate, move
- Palmar side: palpate, move
- Function tests
- Vasculitic changes [2cm black lesions, due to local infarction] (RA).
- Splinter hemorrhages (SLE, RA).
- Periungual telangiectases (SLE, scleroderma).
- Pin-sized pitting (psoriatic arthritis).
- Hyperkeratosis [thickening] (psoriatic arthritis).
- Onycholysis [nail separates from distal nail bed] (psoriatic arthritis).
- Discolouration (psoriatic arthritis).
- Ridges (psoriatic arthritis).
- Anemia.
- Nailfolds with magnifying glass: dilated capillary loops (scleroderma).
- Move from DIP to MCP, as examine.
- Redness (inflammation).
- Sausage shaped digits (psoriatic arthritis, sometimes AnS or Reiter's).
- Nicotine stains (NSAID s/e increased risks).
- Arthitis mutilans [fingers shortened] (advanced destruction).
- Tophi (gout).
- Swan neck deformity (RA).
- Boutonniere's deformity (RA).
- Z deformity of thumb (RA).
- Bouchard's nodes [PIP] (OA)
- Heberden's nodes [DIP, 1st MCP] (OA).
- Finger ulnar deviation [MCP] (RA).
- Ulnar nerve deformity (nerve entrapment).
- Contraction deformity of fingers (scleroderma).
- Calcinosis [palpable calcium nodes] (scleroderma).
- Telangiectasia (scleroderma).
- Scars.
- Rashes, erythema.
- Skin tightening (scleroderma).
- Muscle wasting on dorsum of hand.
- Ulnar deviation.
- Scars from operations.
- Erythema.
- Wasting.
- Anemia.
- Subcutaneous nodules at elbow (RA).
- Ask pt. if Dr can move joints, about tender areas.
- Pt's hand is palm down.
- Both Dr's thumbs on wrist dorsum midline, fingers under wrists.
- Palpate for synovitis, effusions.
- Palpate ulnar styloid tenderness (RA).
- Dorsiflexion [normal: 75°].
- Palmarflexion [normal: 75°].
- Abduction [normal: 75°].
- Adduction [normal: 75°].
- Palpate with 2 thumbs as with Wrist.
- Nodules (RA).
- Tenderness.
- Warmth.
- Swelling.
- Volar subluxation test:
• Pt. holds hand like showing off an engagement ring.
• Dr grips a proximal phalynx between Dr's thumb and forefinger.
• Dr moves MCP joint to and fro.
• Normal joints will have little movement.
- Tinel's sign (carpal tunnel):
• Dr. taps on pt's flexor retinaculum.
• Positive test: paresthesia over median nerve distribution.
- Palmar tendon crepitus (tenosynovitis):
• Dr's fingertip pads on pt's palm.
• Pt. flexes and extends MCPs.
• Listen for crepitus during motion.
• Palpate for thickened tendons, nodules.
- Trigger finger (RA):
• Similar to above but flexion is prevented at a point.
• Pt. increases force until it snaps, and continues flexing inward.
- Grip strength:
• Pt's squeezes examiner's fingers.
- Opposition test:
• Pt. holds thumb to baby finger.
• Does pt. have difficulty then in moving them apart.
- Paper grip:
• Pt. holds piece of paper between thumb and index fingertip pads
• While holding, can pt. then open other fingers.
- Daily activity test:
• Writing name with a pen.
• Grasping a utensil.
- Wrist flexion test (carpal tunnel):
• Pt. flexes both wrists for 30 sec.
• Parasthesia arises in affected hand.
- See Power Scale Reference.