Rheumatoid: History
- Presenting complaint
- Pain: joints, limbs,
- Stiffness, swelling
- Deformity, Raynaud's
- Eyes, mouth
- Systemic
- Past medical, surgical history
- Family, social, disability,
drug history
- What is the problem lately.
- Site: number of joints, symmetrical/ asymmetrical, large/ small joints,
sequence affected.
- Timing: acute/ chronic.
- Exacerbating factors: rest, exercise.
- Bone pain.
- Severe pain of sudden onset (vascular dz).
- Nerve entrapment.
- In amputated limb (phantom pain).
- Back is common.
- Spinal cord: localize to dermatome.
- Generalized or specific to certain joints.
- Number of joints, symmetrical/ asymmetrical, large/ small joints, sequence
- Worse in morning (RA, other inflammatory).
- Duration before wears off (severity).
- Number of joints, symmetrical/ asymmetrical, large/ small joints, sequence
- When first noticed.
- Getting larger or smaller.
- Misshapen joints.
- Time course of the deformity.
- Assess Raynaud's phenomenon (scleroderma).
- Dry eyes, mouth (Sjogren's).
- Red eyes, painful eyes (seronegatives).
- Unilateral loss of visual acuity (seronegatives).
- Rash (SLE).
- Fatigue, breathlessness.
- Fever (connective tissue dz).
- Weight loss (dyspagia or malabsoption 2° to scleroderma).
- Abdominal pain, GI bleeding (NSAID s/e).
- Time of menopause [if applicable].
- Current problem in past.
- Trauma in past.
- Fractures, sprains.
- Infections:
• Gonorrhea [esp. if monoarticular, young].
• Staphylococcus
• Streptococcus
• Hepatitis
• TB
• Dysentery
- Gout (gouty arthritis).
- IBD (IBD-associated arthritis).
- Psoriasis (psoriatic arthritis).
- Thyroid problems (osteoporosis).
- Tick bites (Lyme dz) [usu. USA only].
- Arthritis as a child.
- Depression [common in chronic disability].
- Seen a rheumatologist before?.
- Physiotherapy, occupational therapy.
- Joint surgery, bone surgery.
- The current complaint in parents/ siblings/ children: health, cause of death, age of
onset, age of death.
- Hereditary dz suspected: do a family tree.
- IBD.
- Gout.
- Rheumatoid arthritis.
- Osteoarthritis.
- Seronegatives: PAIR:
• Psoriasis
• Anklyosing
• IBD-associated
• Reiter's
- Smoking: ever smoked, how many per day, for how long, type [cigarette,
pipe, chew] (increases NSAID
- Alcohol: do you drink. If yes: type, how much, how often (fall risk,
increases NSAID risk).
- Present occupation.
- Any other factors that you wish to mention?
- Who is with you there at home [important for managing daily activities].
- Describe your home: stairs, if apartment what floor, handles (fall risk).
- Difficulties with cooking, dressing, bathing.
- How interrupts life.
- Home aids, utensils, appliances.
- Prescriptions currently on [gold, etc], noting side effects.
- Over-the-counters, esp. NSAIDs.
- Steroids.
- Recreational drugs [most rheumatoid pt's are older than this, but may use
for pain escape].
- Estrogen replacements [if menopausal], other hormones.
- Calcium supplements.
- Allergies: if allergic to drug, make sure not an allergy, not just a
common side-effect.
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