Ref: RA vs. OS vs. AnS
- RA: MCP>PIP, wrist.
- OA: DIP>PIP, spine, hip, knee.
- AnS: sacroiliac joints, neck.
Classic deformities:
- RA: swan neck, ulnar deviation, wrist subluxation, Boutonniere's deformity.
- OA: Heberden's, Bouchard's nodes.
- AnS: neck hyperextension, kyphosis, spinocranial ankylosis.
Morning stiffness:
- RA: increased.
- OA: normal.
- AnS: increased in 50% of pts.
Rheumatoid factor:
- RA: (+) in 70% of pts.
- OA: (-).
- AnS: ?
NSAID response:
- RA: usually some relief.
- OA: variable relief.
- AnS: variable relief
- RA: OT/PT, NSAIDs, gold, penicillimine, etc.
- OA: paracetamol, weight loss, joint replacement, exercise.
- AnS: exercise instead of rest for backache, NSAIDs.
- RA: juxta-articular osteroporosis, erosions.
- OA: osteophytes, eburnation, reduced joint space.
- AnS: lumbar vertebrae squaring, sacroilitis, bamboo spine.