Ref: Urinalysis
- Color: black, brown,
green, gray, orange-yellow,
pale [dilute], pink, red,
- Opacity, smell
- Chemical analysis strip, pH
- Proteins, casts, blood cells
- Specific gravity
- Severe hemoglobinuria
- Melanoma
- Ochronosis
- Methyldopa
- Iron
- Bilirubin
- Nitrofurantoin
- Blood, hemoglobin
- Dehydrated [concentrated urine]
- Bilirubin
- Tetracyclines
- Sulfasalazine
- Riboflavin
- DI
- Overhydration
- Beer
- Post-obstructive diuresis
- Hematuria
- Hemoglobinuria
- Myoglobinuria
- Porphryrins
- Porphobilinogen [on standing, acidic urine]
- Pyridium
- Rifampicin
- Pink cloudy (urate).
- White cloudy (phospate).
- Asparagus, antibiotics, fishy (UTI).
- Glucos.e
- Ketones (DM).
- Blood.
- Leukocytes.
- Nitrites (bacteria,
vitamin C).
- Bile.
- Alkaline pH (proteus, distal renal tubular acidosis, acetazolamide,
calculi treatments).
- Normally, pH slightly alkaline after meal.
- Protein (proteinuria).
- Protein: Bence-Jones pronteinuria.
Rule of thumb for casts: casts are casts of the tubule so must be problem
with glomerulus.
- Red cell casts (always nephritis).
- White cell casts (pyelonephritis).
- Muddy brown casts [made of renal tubular epithelial cells] (ATN).
- Granular casts.
- Hyaline casts.
- Fatty casts (nephrotic syndrome).
- Only WBC's (UTI).
- Only whole cell RBCs. (bladder CA, RCC). See Hematuria Reference for others.
- Low (DI, chronic renal failure).
- High (DM, dehydration)
[solutes increase specific gravity].