Cardiovascular: Examination
- Environment, general
- Nails, hands, arms
- Face, eyes, mouth
- Neck, JVP
- Chest: insp,
palp, ausc
- Back
- Abdomen
- Legs, feet
- ECG leads, machine.
- Support hosiery.
- Colors:
• Cyanotic.
• Pallid (anemia).
• Jaundiced (anemia, EPO insufficiencies).
• Hyperpigmented (hemochromatosis cardiomyopathy, Addisonian hypotension).
• See Skin Colors Reference.
- Weight loss.
- Glaring breathing problems.
- Syndromes: Down's, Marfan's, Turner's.
- Leg hanging over edge of bed: peripheral vascular dz.
- Ask pt. to sit at 45°.
- Clubbing, stage 1-5 (cyanotic heart dz, IE).
- Splinter hemorrhages (IE).
- See Nails Reference.
- Peripheral cyanosis.
- Arachnodactyly (Marfan's).
- Pallor of palmar creases (anemia 2° to blood loss, malabsorption).
- Osler nodes [0.5-1 cm red-brown painful subcutaneous papules on fingertips, palmar
eminences] (IE).
- Janeway lesions [rare, painless flat erythematous macules on thenar and
hypothenar eminences] (IE).
- Wrist: tendon xanthoma [yellow deposit over extensors] (type II
- Heat (thyrotoxicosis).
- Tremor (thyrotoxicosis).
- Pulse: rate, rhythm, character, radiofemoral delay, radioradial inequality. See Pulse Reference.
Say "character, volume better assessed at the carotid".
- If suspect AR, assess 'water hammer pulse':
• Dr's 4 fingers horizontal over pt's palmar wrist, as flex and extend
pt's elbow.
- Take blood pressure.
- IV drug injection scars (IE).
- Optionally raise arm to see if less circulation.
- Facies:
• Apprehension, pain (angina, MI, PE,
• Cushing's (HTN).
• Acromegaly (CHF, HTN).
• Paget's (high output failure).
- Malar flush [thin face, purple cheeks] (mitral stenosis).
- Earlobes (cyanosis).
- Xanthelasma [yellow plaque periobital deposits] (hypercholestolemia, DM).
- Lid edema (myxedema, SVC syndrome, nephrotic syndrome, etc).
- Exophthalmos, lid retraction (thyrotoxicosis).
- Corneal arcus (severe hypercholesterolemia).
- Blue sclera (Marfan's Ehlers-Danlos's [AR, ASD, MVP]).
- Subluxated lenses (superior: Marfan's, inferior: homocystenuria).
- Argyll-Robertson pupil (syphilis).
- Ophthalmoscope fundi:
• Roth's spots [small red hemorrhage with pale center, due to vasculitis] (endocarditis).
• Hypertensive changes.
• See Fundus
- Lips: central cyanosis.
- Tongue underside: central cyanosis.
- Tongue enlargement (amyloidosis).
- Torch: high arch palate (Marfan's).
- Breathing: dyspnea + wheezing (asthma, COPD, asthma, LV failure).
- Breathing: Chyne-Stokes breathing (stroke, CHF, sedation, uremia).
- Tell pt. to remove shirt now or during chest exam. Cover woman's breasts
with loose material.
- Using accessory muscles of respiration (pulmonary edema, asthma, fulminant
pneumonia, COPD).
- Carotid: inspect for carotid pulsations.
- Carotid: compress one carotid at a time [fingers behind neck, thumb at or
below cricoid cartilage level. Optionally use just L thumb to assess R
carotid--some teachers disapprove but carotid pulse outweighs thumb]. Assess:
• Amplitude.
• Contour of pulse.
• Variations in amplitude.
- Carotid: auscultate bruit:
• Use bell of stethoscope.
• Tell pt. to hold their breath while Dr listens.
- JVP [use R one]: inspect height, character.
- JVP: Kussmaul's sign [change on inspiration].
- See JVP Reference for more details.
- Scars, including mitral valvotomy laterally on L breast.
- Deformities, dressings, stitches, etc.
- Visible pulsations.
- Apex beat.
- Ask pt. if any part is tender, examine that last.
- Pacemaker boxes.
- Palpate apex beat for presence, deviation, character. See Apex
Beat Reference.
- Parasternal impulse:
• Heel of Dr's hand to L of sternum.
• If RV, LA dilated, heel will lift on systole.
- Thrills and heaves:
• Dr's hand horizontal under R pectoral, then vertical up medial side R
pectoral, then horizontal across center of ribcage, below sternal notch.
• Diastolic thrill: doesn't coincide with apex beat.
• Systolic thrill: coincides with apex beat.
- Pulmonary component of S2.
- Heart sounds, 1st, 2nd split.
- Murmurs.
- Time according to carotid pulse (atrial fibrillation: not all apex beats
become pulses).
- Dynamic auscultation.
- If systolic murmur, do Valsava maneuver (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy).
- If mitral stenosis, hear thrill by rolling pt onto pt's L side
[brings apex closer to chest wall].
- See Heart Sound Reference.
- Pt. leans forward.
- Inspect for deformities (ankylosing spondylitis, with AR).
- Percuss back (exclude an RVF pleural effusion).
- Palpate sacral edema.
- Liver: find, examine edge.
• See Liver Palpation.
- Liver: pulsatile liver (tricuspid regurgitation).
- Splenomegaly (endocarditis).
- AAA.
- Inspect: edema.
- Inspect: peripheral vascular dz.
• May also see marks of pt squeezing thigh to increase perfusion.
- Femoral pulse.
- Varicose veins. See Varicose Veins
- Ulcers. See Ulcers Examination.
- Rest of peripheral pulses.
- Achilles tendon xanthomata.
- Same signs as Hands and Fingernails.