Ref: Nails
- Clubbing
- Koilonychia
- Onycholysis, pitting, thickening
- Colors: leuconychia, yellow,
blue, red, Terry's,
- Nail bed: pallor,
- Splinter hemorrhages
- Bands: Beau's, Mees',
- What: when view fingernail from side, angle of base of nail is >160°.
• Cyanotic heart dz
• Lung dz: hypoxia, lung CA, bronchiectasis, CF
• UC, Crohn's
• Biliary cirrhosis
• Birth defect [harmless]
• IE
• Neoplasm [esp. Hodgkins]
• GI malabsorption
- Staging:
1: Loss of normal 160° angle at base of nail. Schamroth's window
test: pt's holds 2 index finger nails touching each together: if normal,
will show a diamond-shaped window.
2: AP curvature increased.
3: Bouncy, spongy nail when examiner presses down on nail.
4: Drumstick shaped fingertip.
5: Pt has wrist pain and wrist onion skinning.
6: Hypertrophic osteopathy.
- What: misshapen, spoon-shaped nails.
- DDx:
• Iron deficiency
• Birth abnormality, rarely
- What: distal nail separation.
- DDx:
• Trauma
• Psoriasis
• Thyrotoxicosis
- DDx:
• Psoriasis
• Atopic eczema
• Allopeica areata
- What: extremely thickened nail, esp. great toe
- DDx:
• Geriatric pt: onychogryphosis
• Psoriasis
• Local fungal infection
- What: leuco- means white, like a leucocyte.
- DDx:
• Hypoalbuminemia
- DDx:
• Nicotine stains
• Yellow nail syndrome [peripheral edema, bronchiectasis, pleural
- DDx:
• Cyanosis
• Ochonosis
• Wilson's [esp. lulunae of nails]
• Blue-red: polycythemia
- DDx:
• Cherry red: CO poisoning
- What: distal half is brown-red, while proximal half is white-pink.
- DDx:
• Cirrhosis
• Chronic renal failure
- What: multiple, brownish, longitudinal streaks
- DDx:
• Black pt: normal
• White pt: melanoma under fingernails
- What: pallor of the flesh underneath the nails.
- DDx:
• Anemia. See Anemias Reference.
- What: small, linear hemorrhages under the nail.
• Sepsis elsewhere
• Limey [vitamin C deficiency]
• IE
• Neoplasm [hematologic]
• Trauma
- What: multiple, unpigmented, transverse lines, from an illness severe
enough to transiently stop nail growth.
- DDx:
• Shock Hx
• Malnutrition Hx
• Weight loss Hx
- What: solitary, white, transverse band
- DDx:
• Renal failure
• Chemotherapy
• Arsenic ingestion
- What: multiple, opaque, transverse bands
- DDx:
• Hypoalbuminemia
• Chemotherapy