Endocrine: Examination
- Environment, general
- Nails, hands, arms,
- Face, eyes, mouth
- Neck, thyroid
- Chest, abdomen
- Genitalia, legs
- Characteristic syndrome appearance.
- See Common Syndrome Exams Reference.
- Stature.
- Weight.
- Ask pt. if any part tender before palpating.
- Oversized hands (acromegaly).
- Heat (hyperthyroid).
- Tremor (hyperthyroid).
- Palmar erythema (hyperthyroid).
- Pigmentation of palmar crease (Addison's, but normal in asians, blacks).
- 3rd, 5th metacarpals shortened (pseudohypoparathryoid).
- Pulse: rate (hyper-, hypothyroid), rhythm, character. See Pulse
- Blood pressure for hypertension (Cushing'), hypotension (Addison's).
- Trousseau's sign (hypercalcemia):
• Occlude brachial artery for 3 min using BP cuff.
• See if carpal spasm is induced.
- Muscle weakness (hypothyroid, Cushing's).
- Acanthosis nigricans (acromegaly).
- Axillary hair loss (hypopituitary).
- Skin tags (acromegaly).
- Syndrome facies.
- Acne, oily skin (Cushing's).
- Hirsutism (panhypopituitary).
- Chin enlargement (acromegaly).
- Exophthalmos (hyperthryoid).
- Eye fundus:
• (DM).
• (acromegaly).
• See Fundus
- Buccal pigmentation (Addison's).
- Tongue enlargement (acromegaly).
- Inspect buffalo hump (Cushing's).
- Palpate supraclavicular fat pads (Cushing's).
- Inspect webbed neck (Turner's).
- Inspect for goiter.
- Dr. palpates pt's thyroid from behind.
- Pigmented nipple (Addison's).
- Loss, gain of chest hair.
- Male gynecomastia (Cushing's).
- Reduced female breast size (panhypopituitary).
- Pt. lies down, one pillow under head.
- Purple striae (Cushing's).
- Disproportionate abdominal fat (Cushing's).
- Peripheral neuropathy (DM).
- Toenails and foot showing same symptoms as Fingernails
and Hands.