Ref: Examination Equipment
- General
- Alimentary
- Cardiovascular
- Endocrine
- Hematological
- Integumental
- Nervous
- Pulmonary
- Rheumatoid
- Urogenital
- Obstetrics/Gynecology
- Pediatrics
- Watch with second hand [pulse]
- Paper [balance on hand, to show fine tremor]
- Ruler [if want size accuracy]
- Stethoscope
- Tape measure
- Tongue depressors
- Torch pocketlight
- Tourniquet [varicose veins]
- Wooden spatulae [look in mouth]
- Gloves, lubricant [PR]
- Non-toxic water-soluble marker [shifting dullness]
- Stethoscope [abdomen sounds]
- Torch pocketlight [mouth]
- Wooden spatulae [look in mouth]
- Blood pressure cuff
- Ruler [JVP]
- Stethoscope
- Torch pocketlight [Marfan palate, JVP]
- Tourniquet [varicose veins]
- Blood pressure cuff
- Stethoscope [for BP cuff]
- Ophthalmoscope
- Blood pressure cuff
- Stethoscope [for BP cuff]
- Ophthalmoscope
- Sterile, small wooden stick [sensation]
- Cotton wool [sensation]
- Key [plantar reflexes]
- Ophthalmoscope
- Patellar hammer
- Reading chart
- Stethoscope [carotid bruit]
- Torch pocketlight [pupils]
- Tuning fork [vibration]
- Blood pressure cuff [if relevant]
- Ophthalmoscope
- Stethoscope
- Tape measure [or hands, for expansion]
- Gloves, lubricant [if PR for IBD]
- Ophthalmoscope
- Pen [hand function test]
- Piece of paper [hand function test]
- Tape measure [for Schober test]
- Gloves, lubricant
- Light for translucency [male]
- Pap smear [female]
- Warm speculum [female]
- Gloves, lubricant
- Warm speculum
- Pregnancy wheel
- Thermometer
- Refex hammer
- Tape measure
- Toy
- Tape measure
- Centile charts
- Reflex hammer
- Sthethoscope
- Bell [distraction test]
- Unopened bag of raisins [grasp test]